Since I was soooo busy recently I didn't have energy and time, somehow, to continue writing in my blog. A blog requires really a bit of consequent work. There we go! I make some update now... looking back... What was there? I shall start with our Anniversary. Ok, it was long time ago, but I have some funny photos. 4th Anniversary of Gallery ZERO. We celebrated on May 5th 2007. Of course we had a group show in ZERO with all works which we have in our collection. It was also nice to see some friends - actually that is important for us, I mean when we see that someone cares, that someone is interested in what we do, that is really a lot. Sometimes I think, why do we have the gallery? Who cares? Nobody. Nobody ever said, that it's cool that we do it, that we persevere, that through our gallery many projects happened, people meet, do things together. For me it is really important - that people meet here and take something with. But as I said, it is so rarely that someone says: cool, keep going, you do a great job. Very rarely. Of course maybe the reason is that artists... well, artists with "A" = Artists, alyways/often think only about their art. They talk about it all th etime and do not really listen to others. Of course not everybody is like that, but in my career as a gallery owner, I have noticed that. Again, not every artist is like that! I am not generalising! So that's why our anniversary was so nice, because it was a celebration of our place mostly so we coul dget (at least) some feedback. And my parents suddenly came from Poland to celebrate with us, girls from BWA Galleries from Wroclaw were there, Centrala Rybna as well!
On that night we had also some events:
A reading by Johanna Rubinroth: “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend”:

"Poetry Spam" reading by me, Anna Krenz & Anna Noonan (my Second Life avatar):

And a concert by Izumi Ose

Ah, and here some impressions... late night impressions...

My parents, Jacek and me!

My late night solo pink guitar show...

Centrala Rybna singing Happy Birthday for Gallery ZERO!
Of course the question is, if we continue to run the gallery. I guess surely one more year. And then we will see what happens.
On that night we had also some events:
A reading by Johanna Rubinroth: “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend”:

"Poetry Spam" reading by me, Anna Krenz & Anna Noonan (my Second Life avatar):

And a concert by Izumi Ose

Ah, and here some impressions... late night impressions...

My parents, Jacek and me!

My late night solo pink guitar show...

Centrala Rybna singing Happy Birthday for Gallery ZERO!
Of course the question is, if we continue to run the gallery. I guess surely one more year. And then we will see what happens.
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