Pecha Kucha

Images from the lecture about Hens

February 19 | doors open 19:30 | start 20:20
Tape Gallery, Heidestr. 14 | admission €5,-
this is the list of presenters who have confirmed so far:
* Thorsten Rauser (Entrepreneur / Gameshows for everyone. mass interaction in the internet)
* Anna Krenz (Architect and artist / Hens Project: aggressive old ladies)
* Ronald Marx (Theater Regiseur / USA Road Theater)
* Peter Pleyer (curator / Tanztage)
* Sönke Andersen (event organizer / Night of the Raging Bulls)
* Susanne Chrudina (Theater project Zalina)
* Lars Grau und Jan Schulz (Designer and engineer, Spoot - instant communities)
* Leka Dukagjini (Filoart) (curator and artist / Infrared-light against surveillance cameras)
* Johannes P Osterhoff (artist/ Interface-art)
* Can Yoldas (musician and political scientist/ Undo Bundestagswahl 2002)
* Darius Ghanai (Art Director / Marketing for a German movie)
Ronald Marx of the GTA (German Theater Abroad) will be our guest curator for the evening, and he will also be a presenter himself.Ronald Marx is the artistic director of GTA, which was founded in 1996. GTA produces theatre festivals, stage productions and readings on both side of the Atlantic; among the cities visited are New York, Düsseldorf and Berlin. In his function as a guest curator he will bring more speakers from his network to the Pecha Kucha microphone.
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