Cohen in Schwarzwald
and not in the Clinic...
Yes, a month ago Leonard Cohen had a concert ... in the South of Germany, in a small town called Lörrach. We went there, stayed on a camping, a real german camping!
Yes, a month ago Leonard Cohen had a concert ... in the South of Germany, in a small town called Lörrach. We went there, stayed on a camping, a real german camping!

The all-around-German Camping in Lörrach
The concert was really amazing, on an old market, very cosy. Cohen lives and looks good, sings great. I was crying like crazy the whole second half of the concert.

The photo is not so good (taken with my mobile), but hey - I was standing in the second row!
I am also going to Cohen's concert in Berlin, I guess, he plays in O2 Arena in October... and that can be problematic. I wanted to boycott the big blue monster on the Spree... and I can already imagine the concert will be different - big concert hall is not the same as a local market-square in Lörrach. Hm, I will be disappointed probably... The comparison may be too horrible. Maybe I will boycott in the end. The arena, not Cohen.

I also took up with my favourite hobby...
However while driving around good-old-german Schwarzwald... we came across a very very strange thing. So strange that I couldn't believe it. The place is called Balzer Herrgott. It is in the middle of the forest, you can walk there (3 km on sloppy hills through the dense woods, oh! real trekking!) or if you talk to the locals - they give you directions how to get there by car... and then you have to walk about 900 m on a flat road. Well, we decided to take the second option, and adjust it to our metropolitan lifestyle - drive through the last 900 meters by car as well. So we did drive the whole way. On the last 100 meters that we walked, we met a badger... a real one. He looked and ran away. And then... we reached Balzer Herrgott. In the 30s someone hanged a sandstone figure on Jesus on a tree. As years passed the tree... grew Jesus in. Shit, that was so weird.

Balzer Herrgott
This is how it happened...

(a photo of an info poster). How weird is that?
I must admit the atmosphere, the energy in that spot was really strange. Heavy. Weird. Meaningful (of what? Dunno). And why did the tree grow the way it left the face there, not feet for example. If any of you visits Schwarzwald... go to Balzer (sic!) - it is just next to HexenMuhle (sic!).
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