
But the funny thing in itself was the "Polish Day". There was a lecture about polish poster design, a video presentation and a concert. Shame, we couldn't play... anyway, and there was also a "buffet" - my favorite thing! So I went there, interested mostly in buffet... I have seen the exhibition before. So the buffet was a typical polish buffet you find abroad. Especially in Berlin. There was meat...

and there was also meat...

and there was meat...

and meat...

Aha, there was also a bit bread, some cakes and sweets. But mostly you could eat meat with meat. Sausage with sausage. On one hand I always wonder - on polish buffets it is usually meat with meat... like if we didn't have anything else to offer, anything else to export and say, hey, polish food is great. On the other hand, polish meat is good. No doubt. When you hear about recent scandals in Germany with rotten meat, so called "Gammelfleisch"... then it is good to show that polish meat is all right. It is good.
The only thing I missed by the buffet at the "Polish Day" was, of course, alcohol... that should have been there as well. Especially good polish vodka, to help digest the meat...