Rain in Venice
It is a bit outdated post, but I thought I should write that anyway. As every 2 years I went to Venice for the Architecture Biennale (September 2008). I go there since... oh, 10 years now. And I must admit I like the architecture better than art Biennale. Why? Maybe I just like architects more. This time I went with 2 of my friends, instead of going alone. Was funny, because I remember some years ago, the polish pavilion was closed, with a big lock on the door, there were no Polish fans around, now - it is a new hip for the Warsaw chic people to show off in Venice, being as important as they know everything. Times change. But I will not write here about the polish pavilion, since we took part in the competition for it and we (apparently, as you see) lost. Besides, being called a "Schwabe" (it is a negative description in polish for a German) due to my german-sounding last name, and the fact that I live in Berlin, by some polish architect, I won't even mention all that polish-in-Venice situation. For a change, though, I was warmly welcomed in the German pavilion, not only by the beautiful Matthias, but also by a press lady, who knew my name. So what was cool in Venice? Apart from meeting some good old friends? As usual - buffets, openings, champagne, parties... same old, same old. Of course, as always, Venice was full of famous architects, just the way I like it.
So here a little riddle for you, my faithful readers, who's that girl with such a round shape (in the middle)?
Solution on the bottom of that post.

And the openings, yes, one was especially funny... the Chinese Pavilion in Arsenale. We went there not only because we were interested in the projects but I was expecting a good buffet. And we were not disappointed.

However Betsky (the director of the Biennale this year) wanted us to go beyond the buildings, it was the weather hat made us long for real wall and ceilings. One day it was like 30 deg C, the other day it was pouring with rain. I just remember my immortal pink umbrella.

Ok, you read through that long post... here is the solution for my puzzle: This is... we all know.

She really goes with the time. Last time I saw Miss H. in Venice or even in AA, she was always surrounded by young beautiful boys (how does she do that? ok, it's money and fame, stupid). Anyway, this time, however, she went with the flow and picked up a group of young girls, Japanese (like Gwen Stefani) or maybe Chinese (like the fashion tells). This is what I call being trendy.

So here a little riddle for you, my faithful readers, who's that girl with such a round shape (in the middle)?
Solution on the bottom of that post.

And the openings, yes, one was especially funny... the Chinese Pavilion in Arsenale. We went there not only because we were interested in the projects but I was expecting a good buffet. And we were not disappointed.

However Betsky (the director of the Biennale this year) wanted us to go beyond the buildings, it was the weather hat made us long for real wall and ceilings. One day it was like 30 deg C, the other day it was pouring with rain. I just remember my immortal pink umbrella.

Ok, you read through that long post... here is the solution for my puzzle: This is... we all know.

She really goes with the time. Last time I saw Miss H. in Venice or even in AA, she was always surrounded by young beautiful boys (how does she do that? ok, it's money and fame, stupid). Anyway, this time, however, she went with the flow and picked up a group of young girls, Japanese (like Gwen Stefani) or maybe Chinese (like the fashion tells). This is what I call being trendy.

swietny post o wenecji :) szkoda ze nie udalo mi sie w tym roku pojechac. usciski
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