Busy Curators

It seems we will be having some gigs in November. We - I mean - the Curators (the band). First of all we play in Warsaw, in Jadłodajnia Filozoficzna (a cool club) on November 8th. It is a special project we are now preparing - the Curators featuring (that is what curators do) an artist and musician Thomas Wagner (Sensor/Herr Blum). It will be a concert with live panting, video and music - all looped and connected. And the cool thing is that we will play Tenori-on (again!). Those of you who are not familiar with Tenori-on – it is this cool Yamaha instrument, designed by Toshio Iwai (costs 900 euro! but we have it… for free).
So you are all welcome to see our gig in Warsaw!
This is not all however. We will also play in Berlin, with Doc Schoko (tribute to the Godz) which is a very private event (closed) and once with Thomas Wagner again. But the second gig is less private… all of you who read my blog (yes yes! a bonus for faithful readers) and want to see us live with Thomas in Berlin, just email me, skype me, call me – I will let you know where and when we play.
In any case - link to the Curators myspace is on the right side >>>
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